Sunday, September 13, 2015

Honolulu Art Nights (Oahu)

The extinction of Honolulu's First Friday community events provided an opportunity for the art community to open their doors to the general public. Once a month's the artist lofts and art galleries in Chinatown welcome people to browse their spaces and their works in a revamped yet simplified Art Walk held on the first Friday of each month from evening until late at night. You'll find pupus at most locations and a tame crowd dedicated to supporting the arts community. 

Above is the opening reception for the collaborative mural project for the Aina Aloha exhibit at The ARTS at Marks Garage, one of the main establishments that started and fought for the development of the arts district and artist lofts in Chinatown. 

For a schedule of their art workshops including this month's featured improv comedy classes see:

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