Tuesday, March 30, 2010

red peacoat (poem)

My fingers lace around the ceramic
cup of chamomile
brewing gently of mint and orange.
As the crisp morning air alights on my rosy cheeks
I huddle in a wool sweater
smiling at the entrance of Fall
in California
where days like today my spirit is renewed
when sunlight glistens on golden amber and cardinal leaves
and kids in red peacoats, padded in brightly-colored scarves
kick fallen leaves on small town sidewalks
and laugh carelessly in play.

this is my original poem
mahalo to JT for the professional assistance which strengthens my poem ten-fold. his poetry advice: I would stop here. Listen to the music. Be wary of adjectives, summary, and commentary. first line: c sounds

Monday, March 29, 2010

apple ipad

coming out in a month is this new apple toy, which i learned from my brother who just may be on the pre-order list for this latest techy creation. it's the i-pad. a finger-touch device to read newspapers, books and do email. it's like the iphone but a larger, lap version ($499+).

reports state that apple does not know how it's consumers will actually use the ipad. 27% polled say they will not use it as a reading device though another quarter say they will use it for emails. and despite the laugther it's name is getting (ipad) for sounding like a woman's sanitary napkin company (see mock ad below), 50% of polled women think the name suits fine (though another 50% find offense to the name). quite frankly, i didn't even correlate the two together

update: At church, rather than preach from a bible, the pastor preached from an i-pad! Good bye to paper bound bibles!

mahalo to cjs for the new i-touch! love it!

Monday, March 22, 2010

wacom intuos 4

this is my preference for doing work with computer design programs. the intuous 4 by wacom. the "pen to pad" technology works like a mouse: it correlates your motions on the pad to the computer screen. the pen is light, and with a pressure sensitive tip your creative pen strokes will bleed heavy or thin lines depending on how much weight you put on the pen tip.

version 4 is ergonomic and comes with memory keys so you can switch back and forth with your favorite computer software such as adobe photoshop, indesign or illustrator. ($360)