Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mobilization to End Poverty - April 26-29, Washington D.C.

I go back and forth deciding whether or not to keep adding to this blog. My intension was to keep the fire warm inside my soul for awhile rather than putting out energy into the world. Yet at times I want to do write ups on Hawaii places for friends traveling to Honolulu. And other times I want to write...but only on things that really matter.

Today's post I suppose falls into the latter category. It's an opportunity to participate in a political mobilization effort to march against Global Poverty at the White House. Sponsored by Sojourners the march interests me because it offers a window to see the ways in which contemporary Christians are involving themselves politically...and particularly through direct challenges, tactics and practices. Too, it fascinates me to see how in order to "entice" Christian participation at the national level, the march must be precluded by a Christian "conference" highlighted with key Christian speakers, clergy and politicized leaders--as if political mobilization isn't enough. And for most Evangelicals, no, a march isn't enough. At the gut level, a part of me thinks that something is missing in this national campaign. Perhaps the timing? The planning? The strategy? The conference packaging? Not sure.

Nonetheless, you can find out more info on the mobilization on the link below as you watch the video promo. The video isn't that compelling, rather dry actually. Regardless, any effort to mobilize Christians is notable and worthwhile.

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