Most of the toys in this store are unique ones shipped directly from Japan. Next Tuesday a special shipment of Bobafett and other Star Wars items will come in. The items are being internationally distributed now

My brother's "split obession" is with Star Wars, a movie our family enjoyed and grew up with. It was the very first drive-in movie we saw as kids. We got dressed up in our PJs, brought our pillows and favorite stuffed toy, and eventually fell asleep in the car before the movie was over. Leah confronting an angry Darth Vader was the last scene I remembered on that big screen. It was a fun family experience.

For a fun Star Wars blog see:
Where to Shop:
Spilt Obession (in the Koko Marina Shopping Center)
7192 Kalanianaole Hwy, #D-100
Honolulu, HI 96825
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