There are plenty of local Obama places that you probably drive by everyday. For those unfamiliar with Honolulu, tours can take you here for $22-59/person. (Whoa!)
Typical Obama Tour Highlights
• Obama's Birthplace - Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children (August 4, 1961)
• Punahou School - Obama attended from 5th grade until graduation
• Baskin & Robbins - his "first job"
• La Pietra School for Girls - his half sister Maya Soetoro-Ng teaches
• Hanauma Bay - where he took his family while vacationing before the inauguration
• Sandy Beach - Obama's favorite body surfing spot
• Punchbowl Cemetery - the resting place of his grandfather, Stanley Dunham, a WWII veteran
• Punahou Makiki Apartments - where Obama lived with his maternal grandparents, Madelyn and Stanley Dunham, from 1971 until his graduation from high school in 1979. She died in this apartment at the age of 86, the day before Barack Obama was elected the 44th U.S. president.
If you drive to local restaurants, you can also check out "Places Obama Eats."
Obama's former homes:
(1960-1962) 625 11th Ave. – Kaimuki area
(1961) 6085 Kalaniana’ole – Where Obama was brought home as newborn
(1962 – 1963) 1427 Alexander – Lived for a year with various family members, Near Punahou
(1963) 2277 Kamehameha Ave. – Obama’s mothers place while a sophmore in college
(1964 – 1967) 2234 University Ave. – Lived with mother and grandparents near Manoa
(1971 -1979) 1617 Beretania Ave. – Lived mainly here with his grandparents
(1974 – 1979) 1839 Poki – Lived here off an on with mother and sister
For Obama Tours:
I can't recall who offers the official and intial Obama tour for donations. (meets around Makiki park on Saturdays at 10am). The above tour spots from hawaiiactive.com ($22). Be wary for other tours call theirs the Obama tour, but they simply give their usual Honoluluregular tour...with a couple of tacked on stops at his home, punahou school, and kapiolani hospital where he was born. What marketing. My suggestion: just drive around the area yourself.
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